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Member Tiers

Qualification for Membership Upgrade

A. Qualification for Membership Upgrade

For membership upgrade, members should both earn at least 6 weighted trips from China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines self-operated scheduled international flights and meet one of the following upgrade qualifications: flight miles, flights in business class on China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines and weighted trips within 12 consecutive calendar months(from the1st day of the first month to the last day of the 12th month) during current membership. When the requirements are met, membership upgrade will become effective on the first of next month.
Qualification for Membership Upgrade

Dynasty Membership

Gold Membership

Emerald Membership

Paragon Membership
QualificationAnyone at two years of age or above is eligible to become a Dynasty Flyer Member.
Applicant under 12 years old (EU applicants under 16 years old) must register a legal guardian, who must also be a member.
Dynasty members are eligible to be upgraded to Gold member if the requirements below are met.Gold members are eligible to be upgraded to Emerald member if the requirements below are met.Emerald members are eligible to be upgraded to Paragon member if the requirements below are met.
Weighted Trips from China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines self-operated flights (essential)-6 weighted trips6 weighted trips6 weighted trips
Flight Miles-30000 miles50000 miles120000 miles
Flights in Business Class on China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines-10 eligible flights30 eligible flights50 eligible flights
Weighted Trips-20 eligible flights40 eligible flights80 eligible flights
ValidityMembership will be expired if there is no update in mileage record and personal data within 6 years.2 years2 years2 years
Qualification for Membership Renewal

B. Qualification for Membership Renewal

For membership renewal,members should both earn at least 6 weighted trips from China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines self-operated scheduled international flights and meet one of the following renewal qualifications: flight miles, flights in business class on China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines and weighted trips during current 2 years membership. When the requirements are met, membership renewal will become effective on the next day of current membership's expiration date.
Qualification for Membership Renewal
Dynasty MembershipGold Membership
Emerald Membership
Paragon Membership
PeriodIf a Dynasty member does not accumulate any mileage within two consecutive years, China Airlines will cease to send any notices to the member.within the two-year validity period.within the two-year validity period.within the two-year validity period.
Weighted Trips from China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines self-operated flights (essential)-6 weighted trips
6 weighted trips6 weighted trips
Flight Miles-40000 miles80000 miles180000 miles
Flights in Business Class on China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines-18 eligible flights40 eligible flights60 eligible flights
Weighted Trips-36 eligible flights70 eligible flights140 eligible flights
ValidityMembership will be expired if there is no update in mileage record and personal data within 6 years.2 years2 years2 years
Important Notes

Important Notes:

  1. Qualification for Membership:
    • If the renewal requirement is not met, a Paragon member will automatically revert to Emerald member, while an Emerald member to Gold member and a Gold member to Dynasty member. The card number will remain unchanged.
    • When qualifying membership upgrade, members will receive a new membership card with the same membership numbers in the following month.
    • To determine whether members are qualified for upgrade to next tier, only mileage and trips earned within consecutive 12 months during current membership will be counted. If membership tier is changed, all the mileage and trips accumulated during previous membership will be excluded. Namely, when Gold members are upgraded to Emerald, all mileage and trips earned when they were Dynasty members will not be counted; when Emerald members are upgraded to Paragon, all mileage and trips earned when they were Gold members will not be counted. 
    • When members are upgraded to next tier, if China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines Business Class trip counts, mileage or total weighted trips exceed qualification standards, the remaining balance can be preserved for one year, which can be combined for upgrade to next tier. Your every trip and mile will not be wasted and help you move up to our higher membership tiers even faster.  Example: Gold member Ms. Lin has earned 60,000 miles and 45 weighted trips from January 1st to June 30th, 2018, which means she will move up to Emerald on July 1st, 2018. Since her miles and weighted trips exceed Emerald upgrade qualification (50,000 miles or 40 weighted trips), both of the surplus 10,000 miles and 5 weighted trips can be preserved for one year. Before July 1st, 2019, Ms. Lin only needs another 110,000 miles or 75 weighted trips to move up to Paragon (Paragon upgrade qualification is 120,000 miles or 80 weighted trips).
    • Membership will be automatically expired without notice if members do not hold available award numbers and there is no update in mileage record and personal data (including membership tier) within 6 years.

  2. Flight Mileage and Weighted Trips:
    • Only mileage earned from China Airlines, Mandarin Airlines and SkyTeam member airlines applicable flights are counted toward membership upgrade and renewal.
    • Please refer to Mileage Accumulation on China Airlines / Mandarin Airlines for calculation of weighted trips on China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines.
    • The following mileage or trips are not eligible for membership upgrade or renewal:
      a. Flight mileage and trips earned by taking code-shared flights of non-SkyTeam partner airlines.
      b. Miles earned by promotion, gift miles, incentive miles and miles earned by partnership programs.

  3. Weighted Trips:
  4. Membership card reissuance
    • Paragon and Emerald members may apply membership card reissuance free of charge via "Dynasty Flyer Services" page.
    • Dynasty Flyer Program does not issue physical Dynasty card, and physical Gold card will not be issued from February 1st, 2021. We welcome you to download China Airlines App and log in your account for digital membership card.

  5. Baggage tag reissuance
    • Paragon and Emerald members may contact nearest branch office or customer service center for baggage tag reissuance free of charge.
    • Paragon and Emerald members will receive exclusive leather goods for baggage tag membership upgrade and renewal. In case of reissuance, members can contact nearest branch office or customer service center with service charge of 3000 miles.
    • Paragon and Emerald members can only apply leather goods reissuance that matches their membership tier.
    • Gold and Dynasty card members are not applicable to this service.

  6. Senior Members  (It will be terminated from January 2025)
    • Senior membership renewal
      a. This benefit is applicable for Paragon and Emerald members who fail to qualify for membership renewal for the first time after age 65 or above. The current Paragon or Emerald membership will still be extended for two years.
      • Example: 65-year-old Emerald member Mr. Lin does not reach Emerald renewal standard and his Emerald membership will be expired on Oct. 31st, 2019., but with this benefit, his Emerald membership will still be extended for two years from Nov 1st, 2019.

      b. Validity: The same as the total validity of current membership (counted from the last time the members obtain their current status without special upgrade or courtesy reason). Membership will be renewed every 2 years, and members should take at least one China Airlines or Mandarin Airlines flight applicable for mileage accrual for another 2-year membership renewal, and the maximum is 10 years.
      • Example: 65-year old Emerald member Mr. Lin has kept his Emerald membership for 6 years without intermission until Oct. 31st, 2019 (upgrade back to Emerald from Gold, Downgrade back to Emerald from Paragon or renewed due to special upgrade or courtesy reason), and his travel record does not reach Emerald renewal standard. He can enjoy senior membership renewal for the first time, which will be expired during 2021. He then takes one China Airlines flight and accrue miles before expiration in 2021, and he will then be entitled to senior membership one more time in 2023. He can enjoy this benefit through the same process till 2025.

      c. Paragon and Emerald members who obtain or renew their membership due to special upgrade or courtesy reason are not entitled to senior membership renewal.
      d. Paragon and Emerald members who enjoy senior membership renewal are not entitled to renewal gift.

      f. Chart below is an example for your reference:
      Time period for maintaining
      Paragon or Emerald membership
      2 years4 years6 years8 years10 yearsMore than 10 years
      Available counts for senior membership renewal123455
      Time period for senior membership renewal2 years4 years6 years8 years10 years10 years

    • All Dynasty Flyer members aged 65 or over 65 are entitled to the following benefits when traveling on China Airlines and Mandarin Airlines’ self-operated international scheduled flights. Booking with membership number in advance is necessary.
      • Priority confirmation on upgrade waiting list.
      • Priority airport check-in at business class counter.
      • Priority baggage handling.

      China Airlines reserves the final right to adjust and interpret the terms and conditions in cases of dispute or uncertainty for listed benefits and regulation.
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