Cheap Flights from Tokyo. China Airlines Tickets from

More flights departing from Tokyo(Haneda)

Tokyo (HND)to

Taipei (TSA)
11 May 24 (Sat) - 18 May 24 (Sat)




Seen: 10 hrs ago

Tokyo (HND)to

Taipei (TSA)
04 Jun 24 (Tue) - 11 Jun 24 (Tue)




Seen: 20 hrs ago

*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking. Additional fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.


Cheap Flights from Tokyo

Travel from Tokyo

Tokyo is the undisputed capital of Japan. One of the largest cities in the world, Tokyo is a mix of the cutting edge of the times and the traditional. Although it is a metropolis where people are busy coming and going, it is also characterized by many places for relaxation, such as Meiji Shrine, Shinjuku Gyoen, and Kitanomaru Park. With many museums and art galleries scattered throughout the city, it is an attractive and culturally enjoyable city to visit.